Los Angeles, CA—I’ve never been fond of the FAA or the TSA because of the inept and horrifically wasteful way they deal with airline security.
The searching of passengers without probable cause or a search warrant is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution. The system they put in place is un-American but accepted by the sheep, but that does not make it right.
The TSA was nothing more than a jobs program that was established through the exploitation of fear in America.
The TSA has been ineffective, intrusive, rude, unnecessary, expensive and illegal. That being said today I wanted to capture some footage of the TSA in action for this blog and did so without incident.
After I got the video I wanted, I left the terminal and saw LAX police making a routine arrest. I started taping and then a large Black woman wearing a TSA worker’s uniform began to order me around and when I rebuffed her commands she began shoving me with her hands and aggressively pursuing me. That finally ended when the police that were on scene intervened.
I have no interest in seeing this federal employee who acted stupidly arrested for assault. I have avoided identifying this woman as the face time she will get may be adequate punishment.
Had this been a white TSA employee and a black victim this would have resulted in a Whitehouse “Beer Summit” with the President Barack Obama. I have no illusions that the Whitehouse will have any concerns about this incident at all.
I want the TSA to train their help to deal with terror issues and not insult or assault Americans at our airports. Using terrorism on Americans is no help.
Warning! I used some strong language as the situation escalated. I had an absolute right to threaten or even use violence to stop her assault. Thankfully because of this video nobody must guess what happened or rely on “witnesses” with agendas.
Information about the law and TSA regulations are posted below the video.
In case anyone was wondering what the law and TSA regulation are about photography at California’s airports…
California has no laws prohibiting photography at airports. Permits are required for commercial film projects. News gathering photography is also protected by the First Amendment.
TSA Regulations RE: Photography.
A. TSA does not prohibit the public, passengers, or press from photographing, videotaping, or filming screening locations unless the activity interferes with a TSO’s ability to perform his or her duties or prevents the orderly flow of individuals through the screening location. Requests by commercial entities to photograph an airport screening location must be forwarded to TSA’s Office of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs. Photographing EDS or ETD monitor screens or emitted images is not permitted.
B. TSA must not confiscate or destroy the photographic equipment or film of any person photographing the screening location.
C. Whenever possible, x-ray machine images must not be visible to the public or press. When physical constraints prevent x-ray images from being fully protected from public viewing, TSOs must ensure no member of the public or press is in a position to observe an x-ray monitor for an extended period of time.
Passengers and other unauthorized individuals must not be allowed to view EDS or ETD monitors and screens.
D. In addition to this policy, local laws, State statutes, or local ordinances may prohibit photographing, videotaping, or filming screening locations. TSA management must ensure that TSOs are familiar with these State or local laws. However, State and local authorities must enforce such laws. TSOs must alert an LEO to individuals who may be violating these State or local laws, but must not confront these individuals.