We all now know that Mr. DeSousa was working here on an expired visa and breaking the law. DeSousa’s deportation is in the hands of prosecutor Alan Jackson and Pat Dixon who have the unique power to gain cooperation from ICE to provide a coveted Green Card in exchange for needed testimony.
DeSousa desperately needed Jackson and Dixon far more than he ever needed Phil Spector. Imagine just how fast DeSousa would have been deported had he not twisted the facts in a way that was useful to the prosecution theory?
I have a simple explanation of the real exchange between Spector and DeSousa on that horrible February morning in 2003. Lana Clarkson killed herself either on purpose or by accident. There is no dispute that Clarkson was both drunk and under the influence of dangerous drugs. Further I believe Clarkson found the gun while rumaging through Spector's property and assumed it was unloaded.
Phil Spector in an understandable panic frantically tried to help Clarkson by cleaning off her wound and trying to stop bleeding. Spector ran out side to summon help from Mr. DeSousa. Phil Spector is no great orator. His voice is raspy and soft and has always been that way. DeSousa spoke somewhat limited English and probably did not quite hear or really understand what Spector told him. The loud water fountain also plays into this mix.
Phil Spector wrongfully assumed that Mr. DeSousa understood what he was told and returned inside his home. Spector apparently felt comfortable that DeSousa called for police and perhaps an ambulance. Spector waited for the police and when they arrived admitted them into his home but was treated not as a witness but as a suspect.
The shock of the entire event took its toll on Spector and he simply failed to move as quickly as police wanted. The result was that Phil Spector was shot with a police Taser Gun. I can’t imagine Spector being coherent after that morning’s events.
The cops now had a civil liability problem. If Phil Spector is not convicted of a crime he will be able to sue the police for the wrongful Tasering. Was that the motivation to make a case for Murder against Phil Spector?
Despite the fact that Adriano DeSousa’s testimony is full of holes it was bought and paid for by prosecutors. That, as the prosecutors manipulated DeSousa’s future.
During the trial the prosecutors vilified Phil Spector for washing his hands. Blood has been recognized as a biohazard for decades now. We all must avoid getting blood on our skin and wash it away should that happen. Washing blood away from your own skin is not evidence tampering, its simple survival!
It really all boils down to who held and fired the gun killing Lana Clarkson? The DNA evidence had no reason to exclude Phil Spector as the limo driver had to say what prosecutors wanted to hear.
Read all my articles on Phil Spector right here.