George Zimmerman |
Sanford, FL--This sad case began with a tragedy.
Martin was a troubled lad who made terrible choices. The data recovered from his cell phone and was
later unlawfully hidden from
George Zmmerman’s defense lawyers by prosecutors showed
that Martin was heavily involved with illegal guns, drugs and fighting.
Judge Debra Nelson later ruled that cell phone evidence
inadmissible and that was not at all unusual in our courts. It may seem unfair to some but that’s what
they normally do.
As for Martin he apparently had personal issues with what he
called, “crappy assed crackers” and was the one actually profiling Zimmerman
clearly by race. To me it’s logical and
believable that Martin caused his own death by assaulting Zimmerman. However we all must recognize that there are
no witnesses or video to establish this fact with absolute 100% certainty.
We must not never lose sight of is the fact that we don’t
require accused people to prove their innocence and that burden is the
government’s to prove that self-defense was not somehow necessary. In the Zimmerman case both the government and
media led us astray in that regard.
What is certain are the injuries to Zimmerman obviously
inflicted by the stronger and faster, Travon Martin. They’re not serious injuries but they
clearly substantiate an attack by an aggressor.
The police carefully investigated the case and there was simply no
probable cause to arrest Zimmerman.
Zimmerman could have avoided his horrible and expensive ride
on the Wheel of Misfortune by simply asking for a lawyer rather than
cooperating and answering every question put to him by the cops.
The cops were fair and also the first set of prosecutors however;
a special prosecutor shanghaied the case.
In the end the only evidence they had was Zimmerman’s admission that he
shot Martin. His verbal claim to police
of self-defense became a confession they used to file the case!
Martin’s parents did not understand or even care about the
truth as they sought legal counsel, after all their son was now dead. Suddenly a public relations campaign was set
in motion to incite, inflame and distort the facts of the case. The media used and misused the information
as they sensationalized facts. NBC NEWS actually
went to far as to cleverly edit the 911 tapes to place Zimmerman in a false
light as they misled the entire world suggesting that Martin’s death was a hate
inspired crime.
Even the Whitehouse and the Attorney General wrongfully got
involved. They used public tax funds to help
Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson lead race baiting public demonstrations. Politicians for purely political reasons
hijacked the normal investigation and prosecution procedure. Zimmerman was quickly charged in a misleading
criminal complaint that even bypassed normal Grand Jury review.
God given rights to protect oneself their family and even
innocent bystanders is what was threatened by vile and nefarious race baiters inside the
Whitehouse and by certain members of the Civil Rights movement.
We’ve all been given the gift of fear and the instinct for
survival. If not we’d have never
survived as a species. We also have the
ability to make tools and weapons for self-defense. The shameless and unwarranted injection of
racial hatred into the Zimmerman case was an intentional campaign to undermine
the legitimacy of self-defense rights.
The self-defense rights of members of every race and
religion; are sacred and personal.
Denigrating these rights will land and has landed thousands of innocent people behind bars. That could happen to you or someone you
love. Tampering with these rights is
dangerous to all of us. There are
millions of cases where weapons other than guns are used in self-defense so
these laws have nothing to do with the separate issue of gun control.
In court prosecutors are generally more experienced in ways
to subvert justice by hiding evidence and confusing juries. They have huge budgets for investigators,
experts and litigation support that are never equal to public defenders or most
private attorneys.
The George Zimmerman case was nothing less than an exercise
in prosecutorial and government tyranny.
Here the government actually created a bogus crisis. They claimed a hate crime was committed by a
racist vigilante, when they knew otherwise.
Oddly enough here the government further and shamelessly
victimized Travon Martin’s parents by the deliberate obstruction of justice in allowing
this charade of a show trial to even happen.
In the end the jury saw through the subterfuge and followed the law
rather than the tainted emotion and hyped prosecution smokescreen. Zimmerman’s lawyers proved themselves up to
the task of his criminal defense and prevailed.
Zimmerman will forever be a marked man and a curiosity. He will be virtually unemployable and if he
has any success it will be in some business unrelated to security, law
enforcement or private investigation.
As for the reaction of the African-American community to
this trial it was surprising to me personally.
There were the many thousands of hateful and scary threat messages
plastered all over the Internet. So far
there were only a few scattered related incidents of violence and they were on
the West Coast.
New Black Panther Party thugs put their silly costumes
on and came to Sanford to openly incite a riot in violation of existing federal
Attorney General Eric Holder will
never prosecute his panther pals in a million years. This was very similar to the crap we saw that the
Ku Klux Klan got away with in America’s dark past. Apparently as a nation we never outgrew this
kind of hateful activity.
The Panther’s shrill cries landed on deaf ears and millions
of disappointed African-Americans went home peaceably. Perhaps they understood how they were being
used and ultimately that violence would prove nothing at all.
As a nation we saw what happened here and we can pull
together where government has pulled us apart. Those improvised African-Americans must begin to recognize that the way to real wealth is
through education and achievement not government handouts. They need to adapt to a culture free of
drugs, crime and a sense of entitlement.
If Americans could pull together we could once again be the
greatest nation on earth. Instead of cursing each other, helping each other is a
beginning. We need to strengthen not
weaken the laws protecting self-defense rights.
It’s actually the poorest people in the ghettos of America's large cities
that are in real danger of criminal attack.
They need gun rights and the ability to defend themselves, their families and
As a criminal defense investigator I recognize that if we
don’t protect the self-defense rights of every minority we lose our own
rights. We must stand up to the right of
self-defense for everyone everywhere. That is, the strongest most meaningful message
by far we can ever send to those cowardly thugs, thieves, rapists and killers.
As Americans we must end bullying and avoid conflicts rather
than to create them. Bullying is in
our blood. That’s what done in every
government on earth. That is why humans
have courts, armies and holocausts. As
for lovers of law and government muscle we must remember that everything Adolph
Hitler and Josef Stalin did was perfectly legal.
When we must use deadly force we must never forget George
Zimmerman and refuse to answer questions or cooperate with the police. In the video below I explain how to deal with
the government authorities after a self-defense event. This is about your rights.