You can complain about Hussein all you want but even with his executioners and their killing machines they haven’t come close to matching what’s been going on since he was removed from power.
That takes me to my position on Iraq and Iran. Why are we in Iraq watching our kids in uniform die? I understood the necessity to take action against a rogue nation. Then there’s Iran, another outlaw country that is under the control of another mad dictator. The populations of both countries hate America.
Rather than risk our troops this was a simple job for one or two nuclear missiles. No quagmire, no American caskets and a lot less expense to the American taxpayers.
We need to get out of that part of the world now! If they can’t behave over there then it’s time to reduce all those miserable, Muslim cutthroats into little toasted cinders.
AN UPDATE! Saddam Hussein along with his half-brother, Barzan al Tikriti, head of the feared Mukhabarat intelligence and Awad Hamed al Bander, former chief judge in the Revolutionary Court, has been sentenced to hang.
An appeal of the verdict and sentence won’t be going to our 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco any time soon. These guys will be dancing at the bottom of their ropes in short order.
I agree with you to a point. However I don't think we should waste our nukes on that region. We can't build any more, so the ones we have need to be saved for a real war.
Let Israel do it.
Why are we in Iraq watching our kids in uniform die? I understood the necessity to take action against a rogue nation. Then there’s Iran, another outlaw country that is under the control of another mad dictator. The populations of both countries hate America.
Rather than risk our troops this was a simple job for one or two nuclear missiles. No quagmire, no American caskets and a lot less expense to the American taxpayers.
I've always made the argument that Iran is about 50% of the reason we're in Iraq, and probably 75% of the reason we maintain forces in Iran.
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