Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dumb Laws In Chicago and Los Angeles.

There is a better way.


leomemorial said...

Nobody votes here, Paul...

btw: How come you don't wear a holster or something? Just curious.

Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

I have a closet full of holsters from my friends at Galco Leather. Sometimes it's just easier to stick the gat in in my belt or pocket when I'm not engaged in a risky assignment.

Anonymous said...

Pual I agre with LEO. A pistol in your pocket is suicide. I know you've been in shootrings as a PI. So you gotta be bettewr prepared.


Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

A pocket pistol can be just that! Many pistols would be unsafe in your pocket such as all the Glocks. The Sig Saur double action pistols are very safe. However if I’m working a case or in a position of looking for trouble a holster and other tools are a must. Routine off duty carry can be less formal for me depending on the particular weapon.

Anonymous said...

Always carry the Glock pistol in a holster. You are asking for a discharge shoving it in your pants.