Thursday, October 04, 2007

Phil Spector Case Witnesses Wanted!

I’m looking for neighbors, friends, ex-friends, co-workers and others who have talked with prosecution witnesses in the Phil Spector trial. Judge Larry Paul Fidler has issued a gag order preventing any and all witness from talking about the case. I’m working under information and belief that many of these people have violated the gag order, lied, exaggerated their claims while seeking fame and fortune. There are many people out there that know the truth.

A conviction of Phil Spector would allow Lana Clarkson’s family to take all of Phil Spector’s assets in the pending civil case. How has that impacted the testimony of witnesses in this case?

I suspect that there are also issues within the ranks of the prosecutors, some cops and perhaps court officials to obstruct justice and manipulate evidence and witnesses.

Our system of justice requires that the truth be exposed to insure fair trials. The last trial of record producer Phil Spector was anything but fair.

If you or someone you know has information please forward that to me by clicking on my picture and sending me e-mail. You can also leave a comment that I will read but NOT publish. All replies will be kept confidential.

I will forward all information to the proper people to insure a fair trial for Phil Spector.

Thank you

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