He confronted and insulted the Supreme Court over their recent free speech ruling that scuttled the McCain/Feingold, Incumbent Protection Act. Free speech of course is a Socialist’s worst nightmare.
Obama came off as he did in the 2008 Campaign as an empty suit.
Obama is facing mass defections by Democrats who will be paying dearly for ignoring or belittling constituents at Town Hall meetings.
Free speech is exactly what may well prevent the Obama, Socialism sales job, from putting America under a Red Socialist flag. Obama is finding out that unlike Adolph Hitler, he’s not going to see a peaceful Socialist revolution. Obama is learning that he will only be able to achieve that by battling armed Americans.
Obama is still willing to recklessly print money and destroy the economy to create a Perfect Storm as there was during Germany’s Weimar Republic. A desperate and hungry population embraced National Socialism, wealth redistribution and the end to freedom, liberty and humanity.
We are not out of the woods yet as far as Obama blight is concerned. We must be ever vigilant. The cancer of Socialism must be destroyed.
Obama is facing mass defections by Democrats who will be paying dearly for ignoring or belittling constituents at Town Hall meetings.
That remains to be seen. Some defections, yes, but mass? I am not sure.
Don't forget Bush II started us down this road to financial ruin. You conservatives, Crime-y, forget that.
Both Bush Presidents were crappy, big spending, big government progressives. We need to get back to small government and our Constitution. If it ain't in the Constitution it has no place in government!
During Obama's Speech last night I had to laugh when he said politicians in Washington should not spend their elected terms campaigning for the next term. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! (Oh I said black is that racist) Obama is a legend in his own mind.
People like lefty still blame Bush because they worship their god Obama and can't believe what a failure he's turned out to be.
Hey lefty, maybe you can get a job as the railroad police and get some of that $8 billion!
Anonymous said...
Obama is facing mass defections by Democrats who will be paying dearly for ignoring or belittling constituents at Town Hall meetings.
That remains to be seen. Some defections, yes, but mass? I am not sure.
Don't forget Bush II started us down this road to financial ruin. You conservatives, Crime-y, forget that.
January 28, 2010 9:52 AM
Your a terrible detective.BHO is going down faster than someone looking to make Exempt.
Its going to be like Bill Clinton,nobody will admit to voting for him after the damage is done.
On Judicial Watch's 10 most wanted corrupt
politicians is Barack Obama and more...
On Judicial Watch's 10 most wanted corrupt
politicians is Barack Obama and more...
well you just be hating on the obama man cause you ignant white folk are racist and trying to oppress obama. Black power
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