The entire area has been shut down by police. Presently there is an armored vehicle and cops are attempting communication with Maurice Clemmons with a loud speaker.
Shots have been heard along with grenade reports.
According to information police obtained from a relative Clemmons is suffering from a gunshot wound. It was believed that the killer may have himself been shot during the assault.
It certainly looks like we may soon see a climax to this sad event.

Social liberal Mike Huckabee may be partially responsible for the deaths of those 4 cops in Washington along with many other serious crimes.
Story here.
He's dead. Shot this morning
Nobody has thought of the obvious, this was a well planned and well orchestrated act of domestic terrorism.
Don't buy the media spin of "Mad Dog" was just a crazed ex-convict.
No, he was a self-admitted Black Muslim member of a splinter group Black Panther Party.
December 4,2009 is the 40th Anniversary of the Chicago Black Panther raid. Coincidence?
Black Muslim Group Celebrates “Brother & Martyr” White Cop Killer Maurice Clemmons, he was a fellow Muslim.
“For Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen.” BOW Martyr Against White Terrorist & Racist Police Regime (Maurice Clemmons) Adorned With Virgins, Jewelry & Crowned; “When the Battle is Over, We Shall Wear a Crown.” – Seattle Black Foot Soldiers
He intentionally went to a coffee shop owned by a retired copper and known to be frequented by on-duty uniformed PO's/"targets".
There were additional individuals who aided and abetted his escape and evasion. I believe these same individuals had prior knowledge and aided in the planning of this horrible act of sedition.
I believe that there is much more to this story than just some POS who was a "Mad Dog".
I may be wrong, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Keep your eyes and ears open and never be complacent!
God Bless the fallen LPD officers, their co-workers, families and friends!
Thank-You to the SPD Officer who stopped this animal from killing more innocent American citizens!
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