The police do their job investigating. Soon the media responds and they just love these stories. The legions of busybody crime buffs are glued to their TV sets as they transfer all of their failed relationships and emotional baggage into wild theories and excitement.
The first public reactions are showcased in comments that are usually connected to the visible reaction of the male side of this couple. No matter what these hapless potential suspects do the armchair detectives will characterize it as cold, unfeeling and suspicious. They never once forgive a fellow who does not want to share emotions in public. Don’t let the guy get caught on camera with a smile during a light hearted moment or a lynch mob will show up at his door.
Our police and justice system can work just fine without the interference and emotional response from the handwringing morons. They seem so worried about the celebrity victim of the week
The media has simply found a perceived need and filled it. There is a never ending supply of lowbrow slugs with way too much time on their hands that live for that garbage. Do they even have money to buy what the advertisers are selling? Somehow I don’t think so.
In the Scott Peterson case, 11 million of your tax dollars failed to find any evidence of guilt. Instead he was convicted of being hated by most all of the public - to such an extent that many of these slack jawed morons wanted to lynch his parents as well.
Ironically, a few months later the same prosecutors who convicted him with smoke and mirrors were handed a very similar pregnant mother case BUT with rock solid evidence AND a confession and pled it down to 2nd degree claiming there wasn't enough evidence for a first degree conviction. What there wasn't of course was enough cameras.
In the Scott Peterson case, 11 million of your tax dollars failed to find any evidence of guilt. Instead he was convicted of being hated by most all of the public - to such an extent that many of these slack jawed morons wanted to lynch his parents as well.
Ironically, a few months later the same prosecutors who convicted him with smoke and mirrors were handed a very similar pregnant mother case BUT with rock solid evidence AND a confession and pled it down to 2nd degree claiming there wasn't enough evidence for a first degree conviction. What there wasn't of course was enough cameras.
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