Monday, May 14, 2012

Want to Commit a Burglary, Rob a Bank or Kill Someone in Chicago?

Chicago, ILNATO week will tie up cops and keep nearly all of them near McCormick Place.  Normally quiet neighborhoods on the Northwest and Southwest will be far more under-policed than normal. 
I can’t imagine that the most dangerous criminals in the Midwest are not thinking the same thing right now.   NATO is creating the Perfect Storm for crime in the Windy City.
Will we see daytime Flash Mobs at Chicago’s shopping malls looting the Apple Stores and such? 
Perhaps it would be a great time to play hooky from work and stay home with a gun handy. 
Who will be watching the cop’s homes while they are forced to deal with the anti-NATO and Occupy swine?  Who will be responding to burglary and hold up alarms? 


Mt Greenwood Hillbilly said...

We will see what the weekend brings.

the watcher said...

Something evil is going to happen around this NATO summit, you can just feel it.