Sunday, March 02, 2008

Dorothy "The Hat" Tillman Booked For Trespassing

MONTGOMERY, Ala.--Former Chicago gun-slinging alderman Dorothy “The Hat” Tillman was arrested and charged Sunday with trespassing in her native Montgomery.

Tillman pushed her weight around at a hospital where her aunt was being treated. After she created a disturbance she was asked to leave. When she refused police hauled her off in chains. She was soon bailed out by a local reverend and now faces a court date of March 31, 2008.

Tiltman protested being placed in handcuffs and leg shackles by the cops but I bet she was a real fashion plate. Tillman's booking photo is not up to her standards...


leomemorial said...

I actually laughed outloud when I got to the part about them "knocking her hat off" and the taser.

Anonymous said...

Dorothy was my main squeeze in the sixties. I still have a thing for her and her hats.
Morton E. Liberman
Director of security

Anonymous said...

what the hell is she so happy about?

Anonymous said...

For a woman who was tasered and supposedly beaten up by the police, she sure does have a great smile on her face.

Anonymous said...

Tales of the MULE!!

Anonymous said...

Hated in her own ward - they finally voted her out. I have met her and she is a high handed, erm, person.