Crimefile’s predictions:
1. Nifong now has one more serious conflict of interest and cannot be allowed to continue as the prosecutor for the so called, Duke Rape Case. Nifong will soon be replaced on the Duke Rape prosecution by a special prosecutor appointed by the trial court.
2. No lawsuits will ever prevail against Mike Nifong simply because prosecutors and judges have near total immunity from lawsuits even when they are caught red-handed obstructing justice.
3. The defendants in the Duke Rape Case will be cleared at some point short of trial.
4. The taxpayers on Durham County North Carolina will pay millions for the mistake of electing Mike Nifong to that office because of his conduct in this case. Of course the same taxpayers will be forced to pick up Nifong’s legal tab for his defense against the State Bar’s actions.
5. Nifong will get little more than a slap on the wrist despite his misconduct as a prosecutor.
Giving blanket immunity to judges and prosecutors was always a bad idea. It’s time for Americans to rethink and change that policy to prevent serious abuse and corruption by these public officials.
Neuter the bitch DA!
My girl friend and I were thinking of a house in Durham Co.....Thanks to him taking advantage of the law to support his self interest, I'm sure his cause contributed to property tax increase to go along with the property value increase!
I think the County ought to not only bleed him financially enough where he will cry for public assistance after his trial, but also prosecute and strip book royalty from Crystal Magnum for lying under oath!
And last lets not forget the students /professors at North Carolina Central University and Al Sharpton who came to her rescue then craw under a rock after learning the truth.... where is there apology????? Sure hope they don't ask for federal assistance for the county!!!!!
Steve K
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