Here are a bunch of photos of this accident. There are no victims, no blood just a real view of this accident that took the life of a little boy getting ready to have Christmas. It's sad, it's tragic and it's also news.
There is a big controversy over these photos and the Chicago cops that took them. I just don't see why anyone is disturbed about these photos. The accident was disturbing but aren't they always?
Here she is getting face time in other tragic events: http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/2006/01/one-month-anniversary.html
You are obviously a moron crimefile. The disturbing thing is that this moron Sgt. to be is smiling at the scene of someone else's misery....wouldn't you find it disturbing if your family member was the victim? Use your head...and maybe some sympathy for the family.
Disturbing for the family? There is nothing disturbing about the sergeant other than she did not expect her photo would be everywhere.
I have a lot of sympathy for the family but these photos won't make anything worse than it is.
It's natural for people including this gal to smile when their picture is taken. She's not smiling because some poor child was killed.
This accident is so sad. And yet the powers that be can't see it as a warning. They still want to "open up" Love Field in Dallas, where the same thing could happen at any time.
I feel for his family. The boy is in a better place, but Christmas will always be marked with tragedy for them.
I don't see how taking a photograph of something on a public street is "unauthorized" unless you were past the crime scene tape without authorization.
These were well inside the crime scene tape. I say so what!
Well I was at that scene and these photos are obviously taken the following morning after everything that could have been done for that family had been done. Don't see a problem with taking some photos of the scene, because how often is this kinda a freak accident going to happen in your career.
By the way, at the scene, originally, the entire contigent of personnel from every walk of life did an amazing job is helping the injured and conationing any contaminents.
The only probelm was the idiot that decided to send these via email to EVERYONE. Think before you submit.
I think she's pretty hot does anyone know if she puts out ?
...There is nothing disturbing about the sergeant other than she did not expect her photo would be everywhere...
Hey, SHE sent them out.
Hey Paul:
I ask again how would you feel if it was at the scene of someone you loved. It isn't that the pictures hurt anyone....but they allow members of our department to lose credibility as they appear to have nothing else to do but snap smiling photos of themselves in front of a fatal accident. Not a big deal if she just took photos of the accident, but why standing in front of the plane with a smile on her face? She should never have been there to begin with let alone take photos after she was told never to do something so stupid. You believe what you want but you obviously don't have a law enforcement bone in your body or a bit of common sense.
I'm not defending the posting of the photos on the Internet by the officers involved.
I must say that that I see no disrepect here either. It was just like I said, a questioable career move. Posting the photos was a dumb idea.
I posted them to demonstrate there are not disrespectful. I think it's worse to talk about what you can't see. It could seem worse than it really was.
You're alright CRIMEFILE... some people with kids might get touchy about this, because the utter helplessness that a parent of a young child feels viewing/imagining that hell is intense... don't take it personal... maybe they're jealous of you as well... who knows...
Keep up the good work!
If the photos were taken during th e initial tragedy i would have trouble with the photos. But you can clearly see that these photos were taken sometime well after. You can clearly see some time of jacl near her. think she posed for this photo to document that she was there at the scene of a major incident in Chiacgo history so she could have documentation to back her story up for one day when she retires and tells her war stories. For all of you who think its not the norm just go watch King Kong the new flick. After Kong falls from the Empire State Building three soldiers pose in front of his body for photos. I think if anyone was on scene after the initial accident and had a camera handy would of taken a photo also. Another example is when the white Soxs were on thier victory parade in the city how many p.o.'s were taking pictures of history?? I even think a couple were caught by the media and even made the papers. Give the girl some slack I dont think they were taken in bad taste, just my opinion. Peace!!!
Cops have a morbid sense of humor. What's the saying in Homicide, "Our day begins when yours ends?"
I'm not speaking form experience but to see what Cops see day in and day out how can you not get by without such a sense of humor.
This policewoman looks odd with a smile on her face and I'm sure if she could take it back she would.
One thing is for sure, as horrifically tragic as the death of the young boy was, if it was any other airline, the family and their legal representatives would be in a never ending legal square dance of delay, delay, delay. I have no connection to Southwest Airlines, but I know them well enough to know they will do right by the family as best they can. Obvioiusly, nothing can bring their little boy back.
My son was the one killed in this terrible accident and I find it distrubing that this woman is smiling standing near the plane like it was a movie joke or something. It's pathetic. how sick can some people be. My son gave his life to save all of us and those morons on the plane. Please show him some kind of respect please.
thank you
Lisa Woods
Following thiis horrible accident the City of Chicago installed a safety barrier in which the weight of an aircraft overshooting the runway would sink into what is crumbled concrete referred to as embassy. Its installed at all four corners of MDW. That being said, as a retired CPD officer with 31 years on the job, I’m calling you out as a jag off, for publishing these photos on your blog. Just because others take crime scene photos, doesn’t excuse you from publishing them, especially since you spent time on the job. In your case its more than exploitive and explains why you no longer are on the job. Idiot.
Following thiis horrible accident the City of Chicago installed a safety barrier in which the weight of an aircraft overshooting the runway would sink into what is crumbled concrete referred to as emass Its installed at all four corners of MDW. That being said, as a retired CPD officer with 31 years on the job, I’m calling you out as a jag off, for publishing these photos on your blog. Just because others take crime scene photos, doesn’t excuse you from publishing them, especially since you spent time on the job. In your case its more than exploitive and explains why you no longer are on the job. Idiot.
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