The American Revolution came along and soon after, the First Amendment to our Constitution was enacted. Of course our Constitution never slowed down politicians seeking regulate those rights and save all our souls in the process. Laws against pornography were established in every state.
Then one day, Cleveland Heights, Ohio theatre manager, Nico Jacobellis was pinched and later convicted for two counts of possessing and exhibiting an obscene film French film called "Les Amants". Defense lawyers took Jacobellis’ convictions all the way to the United States Supreme Court where they were overturned.
Jacobellis’ case was the one where in 1964, the late, Justice Potter Stewart famously tried to explain "hard-core" pornography, or what is obscene, by saying, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced, but I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."
The floodgates were opened and anything but kiddieporn became big business. A few decades later our Internet grew quickly and created many new millionaires out of people who sold their bedroom images and films throughout cyberspace.
The reason we can now transmit and receive clear images and great sound over our computers is through the generous contributions of our porn mongers. It was the smut peddlers who financed the research and development to fill the needs of porn loving consumers.
I’d venture to say without porn mongers we still be using our computers to play the game Pong.
I remember those girls from high school! I did not know they were into THAT!
They didm't invite me to their parties? I'm crushed!
I like your thoughts. Probley the first blog I have read almost every entry.
"I know it when I see it" I guess the film did not ring Judge Stewart's bell.
I think the porn market advanced the technology ahead by light years.
Who cares? I just like the porn!
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