Washington, DC—The fact that the Obama Administration is actually suggesting this shows above all this scum-sucking rat is nothing less than a stinking traitor.
What soldier would ever serve a country that would demand payment for treatment of service related injuries? Is this happening in the same country that established a workman’s compensation program for people injured on the job?
It can't be made more clear that Obama wants to weaken and destroy America. This is Tyrnnay!
Obama is a total abomination who is in need of Impeachment for High Treason. At this point I look forward to Obama’s quick removal anyway it can happen.
Read about this outrage right here.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg6BpKAWZkA Watch the "Obama Deception".
As a nurse of 20 years, I have pretty much seen everything!
Some of the most tragic cases I have seen involved Veterans. The way many of these fine men and women are treated medically at VA facilities is an abomination! Many recruit our physicians and surgeons in a last ditch effort to replace and/or repair botched treatments or surgical procedures received at these facilities! It never ceases to amaze me, that a place that should be giving the most ultimate of medical care, many times seem only to provide THE most minimal of care.
I have ALWAYS said that above EVERYONE else in this country, these fine men and women deserve THE BEST in medical care! This country OWES them that. To provide less, is not only a dishonor and a disservice, it is a disgrace!
Americans should be outraged by this. Screw the tea part protests. We have to take to the streets with fullblown, sit ins, marches, picketing the White House, anything. People unite and show them we will not allow the Obamanation to do this to our Vets, and to our country.
Paul, LA Daily News reports Obama visiting LA next Wednesday. Do you know where? Please post if you do..thx
Of course I would not ever walk across the street to see this clown unless he had a big ass bailout check for me.
I pity the poor Secret Service protective detail front line agents. They've got to be on hyper-alert and scared shitless these days. I don’t think that empty suit will be seen riding around in Dallas in an open limousine anytime soon.
I can't imagine anyone publishing precise locations and times for his visits anywhere unless they want to encourage a nasty event. With all the crap this goof is pulling these days it places anyone near him in danger. Of course
I don't even want to Think of Pelosi being just two heartbeats away from the Oval Office. Things are bad enough!
Here is all they are offering on his visit and I think it's too much information:
"Obama plans Southland trip
By Daily News wire services
Posted: 03/12/2009 07:51:27 AM PDT
President Barack Obama will visit Southern California next week in his first trip to the region since taking office, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said today.
Obama will head to Southern California next Wednesday afternoon for a day and a half to discuss the economy, Gibbs said during the daily news briefing at the White House."
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