Los Angeles, CA –Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart , 43 was out walking near his Brentwood home when he fell and was found unresponsive on a sidewalk. He was rushed to the emergency room of the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and was pronounced dead.
Breitbart had published a lot of mostly negative material about Barack Obama. He had personal knowledge of just what cats Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio would let out of the bag in the morning. Needless to say he’d have spread the information far and wide.
Breitbart all but destroyed Obama’s pet multi-million dollar criminal organization ACORN and had been a major thorn in his side.
Breitbart also recently announced that he had some early video tapes of Obama he was soon going to release. You can bet they weren't flattering for the embattled President.
The question of murder must be investigated very carefully. Could this untimely death just a coincidence? It all seems so strange to me. I hope the Los Angeles Medical Examiner's office is on their toes for this case.
maybe they zapped him with one of those ricin pellets like in 1978?
I read that he had a known cardiac condition from a year or so ago, but the first thing I thought when I found out that he died was that he was offed by Obama's cronies.
Like Vince Foster only worse...
Obama's minions are beyond desperate and will do anything including murder right now.
Will the videos he had of comrade dear leader meeting with terrorist scum Bill Ayers and his wife during his college days still be released?
The circumstances of his death are very suspicious. He die at home, but while out walking near his home. This also happened after midnight when there would not be any witnesses. I'm not sure I buy into the idea that Obama himself was any way involved. But Andrew had many enemies on the left, and these people are certainly not about murder to get their way.
Anonymous said...
I read that he had a known cardiac condition from a year or so ago, but the first thing I thought when I found out that he died was that he was offed by Obama's cronies.
March 01, 2012 5:28 PM
Thats what they look for so they can have plausible deniability.
A little early for this kind of speculation. My first assumption is always "Hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." He was an out-of-shape middle-aged man with known health issues, including heart problems, who was up and about late at night. He appeared to be at least 10 years older than his stated age. What the authorities said was apparent natural causes, pending an autopsy, which his family will see is done thorougly. I happen to know one of them. He was very much loved an they are intelligent people and will see to it.
Sorry to be the lone dissenter here; I do not defend Obummer or his minions as anyone who knows me will tell you. But this kind of speculation without proof discredits the very legitimate criticisms we have of what is already a long record of provably treasonous acts.
The rub here was the quick claim that his death was from natural causes by officials. They just don’t have enough information to say that. Now at least it’s an open death investigation.
The timing of his releasing embarrassing video tapes of the Messiah is very troubling here. I begged the question and we will wait and see…
I doubt Breitbart was murdered...
Andrew Breitbart may have been his own worst enemy...too much hot air, with no meditation, like a bull running into the frey with no time for himself for balance
Overly stressed...& even though bright with words and thought, but too consumed with outside matters to prop up his own self importance
RIP my friend
Like Marilyn Monroe (THE GIRL WHO KNEW TOO MUCH) and Martha Mitchell and Vince Foster & scores of lesser known people.
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