Thursday, May 23, 2024

Fighting Crime on Public Transportation, Solutions

Los Angeles, CA— There is and has been a nasty siege of murder and violence on public transportation here in the City of Angels.  We have one party rule here that dictates law-enforcement policy.  Of course it is the left-wing, lunatic fringe with their very radical ideas. 


In very recent years, people arrested for crimes are not put in jail pending court dispositions. Instead, they are simply cited and released on a promise to appear.  For most crimes, posting cash bail has ended.  Covid became an excuse to grant well beyond 100,000 convicts, early release from various prisons.  The impact from the insanity is obvious. people are dying as a direct result. 


Criminals congregate On Subway cars and public buses, where unarmed, and vulnerable people must travel to pursue their livelihoods.  We learned that saturating public transportation with uniform officers is of little help.  The criminals simply avoid doing their deeds in front of those cops.


What we know works, is putting undercover officers as bait inviting violent criminals to attack.  Since in an urban area like Los Angeles most of the criminals are those so-called, people of color.  It’s not about skin color but a very violent, bankrupt and cruel culture. 


Since these criminal’s hunt and attack their victims so quickly, undercover officers have no choice, but to employ deadly force to stop the attacks.  You guessed it, the cops justifiably and necessarily wind up killing these violent predators.  


In my younger days as a Chicago police officer the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) had its own plain clothes police department of 200 men.  None of them wore uniforms.  However, the Chicago Police Department at that time had 14,000 sworn members. 


What happened was that the small CTA police force wound up killing more criminals than the entire Chicago Police Department.  Virtually all the criminals killed were black.  Statistically on paper this did not look good.  The politicians put the CTA police in uniform.  They were also supplemented by the Mass Transportation Unit of uniformed Chicago Police.  


Crime on public transportation increased exponentially. The number of criminals killed on public transportation dropped to virtually zero.  However, the deaths of innocent people victimized by the criminals increased dramatically.  In the end, the dead criminals became far more important than the people they were killing.  The solution dictated by the politicians placated the minorities but did not help the victims one bit.


I suppose if they put a uniform armed cops on every bus and train car that would make a difference.  The taxpayers simply can’t afford that kind of protection.  Additionally, police radios are blocked out on most subway trains leaving the officers unable to summon help.


The politicians know that if they allow law abiding people to enjoy their Second Amendment rights to conceal firearms, the violence will increase a bit until the criminals quickly learned they’d be leaving public transportation in black rubber coroner’s bags.  Is that kind of a solution so bad after all?  


The rehabilitation of criminals is nothing more than a wild myth.  The only thing that slows down criminals is when they get too old.  Young, aggressive criminals must be kept off the street until they are too old and slow to harm anyone.  Our politicians understand only too well that those culturally deprived, people of color can’t control their behavior.  That is why blacks are so hyper-represented in prison populations.  Our misguided politicians much prefer to create crime solutions, as long as they don’t work.


There you have it folks, the truth.  If you want to be safe, you’re going to have to simply avoid public transportation at all costs in those large urban areas that are run by radical Democrats.  BLM should change their initials to BCLM, Black Criminal’s Lives Matter.   

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Rebecca Grossman Jury Misconduct is Unraveling

Van Nuys, CA—In every trial jurors are strongly admonished by the Judge to avoid press reports either broadcast, print or Internet.  I learned a long time ago that nearly 100% of the jurors ignore that admonishment doing what they damn well please.  With the Internet it’s so much easier for them to stray.  

It’s not normally a crime per se, but you can be held in contempt for any violation of that kind.  Contempt of court is usually not a big deal, but anyone covering it up or lying about it under oath is looking at a likely felony prison term.  

Investigating that activity was formerly very difficult but because of changes it is not. Such investigations are now doable, but time-consuming.  ISP data shows what websites and the length of the visits.  For any Grossman jurors caught in the dragnet it’s going to be a very nasty.  

I suggest that every Juror on the Grossman case contact the court and come clean while on this while they still can.  The ISP identification numbers on their smartphones and home devices have given them away.  

Jurors can look forward to subpoenas and examination by the court.  By then the penalties will be much more punitive.  It goes back to that old saying, the coverup is always much greater than the original crime.  Again, come clean while you still can.  It will be a lot cheaper than hiring lawyers.  

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Rebecca Grossman, Diane Teran, a Tale of Two Women and Legal Intrigue

Diane Teran Left, Rebecca Grossman Right

Van Nuys, CA--The double murder conviction of LA socialite, Rebecca Grossman may well be reversed. The reason is apparently mired in illicit goings on within the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office.


Grossman was convicted in February for the double second-degree murders of two Westlake Village young brothers in connection with a terrible automobile accident. This might have seemed like simple slam dunk conviction, but it is not.


The District Attorney’s supervisor of the Grossman case was, Diane Teran.  Teran was subsequently arrested and currently stands charged with 11 felony counts related to the theft and abuse of thousands of classified law enforcement computer records. Apparently, the partial motive of these crimes was to tamper with evidence.   


Former LA County Sheriff, Alex Villanueva recently revealed that Teran has a serious history of unlawfully withholding and or deleting exculpatory evidence (Brady material) in numerous cases. 


Grossman's lawyer, James Spertus now represents Rebecca Grossman, and he also represents Diane Teran.  The prosecutors assigned to the Grossman case tried and failed to have Spertus kicked of the case on Friday claiming the lawyer has a conflict of interest. 


Throughout my career, I’ve seen many murder cases reversed because of unreliable characters were involved in the arrest, investigations and prosecution of suspects/defendants. 


Defense attorney’s only need to show a pattern of unlawful conduct, not specific acts to obtain dismissals in these cases. Teran’s history makes it very likely that the Grossman convictions will be reversed, and the case dismissed with prejudice.

Let me be the first to predict Rebecca Grossman will go free to resume her life.  The stain of this tragedy will remain forever on the lives that were changed. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Strange Happenings the Rebecca Grossman Deadly Westlake Village Accident Case.

Van Nuys, CA—Let me begin with my long time motto, “If justice ever happens, it’s usually by accident and for all the wrong reasons“.   

A few weeks ago, LA socialite and philanthropist, Rebecca Grossman was convicted by a jury for two counts of murder in connection with a terrible accident that took the lives of two innocent young boys. 

The question all along was and is, was this a crime and was this an intentional act by Ms. Grossman? As usual a jury was charged to guess their way to a verdict.   This wife and mother of two may ultimately spend the rest of her life in a California prison. 

Today, I was in the courtroom to see prosecutors doubling down hard on this woman.  Present, in the courtroom were her husband, Dr. Peter Grossman and her adult daughter. After a powwow hidden from view in the judicial chambers, the lawyers and judge took their seats in court.  

The Guest of honor, Ms. Grossman was brought in the courtroom, by deputies.  She wore an unkempt and unflattering jail uniform with messy hair that was in dire need of the helpful coloring most “blonds” pay a bundle to keep.  Of course the deputies had Ms. Grossman chained up like a dangerous animal.  To see this attractive 60-year-old woman paraded through a crowded American courtroom suffering this indignity somewhat shocked my conscience. 

As Grossman entered the courtroom she was in reach of her family and really heartfelt sobbing began.  In someways, I can see that it is easier for family to attend a funeral then what was going on before my eyes.  

The new prosecutor began to argue his motion to disqualify the new defense attorney, James Spertus, claiming he had a conflict of interest.  It turns out that Spertys also represents a former DA prosecution supervisor, Diana Teran.  Teran was recently arrested and charged with 11 felony counts in a totally unrelated case.  

The reason for the motion is to, at least me, is more than obvious.  Prosecutors already secured a conviction against Ms. Grossman so what could be the problem?  I can tell you what’s the real problem.  Since Teran supervised the Grossman prosecution, prosecutors fear she may spill the beans about any prosecutorial misconduct and that may result in a new trial.  Interestingly, enough, the felony crimes that Diane Teran are charged with involve a significant history of unlawfully, hiding exculpatory evidence. 

I have learned during my career, that almost every high profile case prosecutors in their zeal to win, withhold exculpatory evidence from the defense.  I mean crucial evidence that could make the difference between an acquittal and a conviction. That’s what we call,  prosecutorial misconduct.  Most criminal convictions that are reversed involve withheld. Brady material.  (See, Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963).  Prosecutors almost never are held accountable for this kind of offense. 

When it comes to the Grossman case, seeing prosecutors go to the wall trying to disqualify Grossman’s defense attorney tells me the DA’s office has something to hide.  To me the odor of this motion is beyond overwhelming. 

In the end, Judge Joseph Brandolino denied the Prosecutor’s motion suggesting the prosecutors were simply speculating some form of harm might occur.  The case law they cited was simply inadequate. 

As the hearing ended and Ms. Grossman passed by her family touching her daughter’s hand.  Both mother and daughter began uncontrollable prolonged crying.

There’s something else, prosecutors have exploited the grieving parents of the two dead lads into their public relations team promoting their attempt to have the Grossman defense Attorney disqualified. I can’t imagine them stooping to such a low level.

A hearing on a motion for new trial is currently set for June 3 and sentencing is set for the 10th.  Because of the earlier change in defense attorneys I seriously doubt that they will be able to keep this schedule.  

There is so much more involved in this case and additionally I fully expect issues of jury misconduct to surface.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

America has fallen.

Washington, DC—Nothing is more sacred than our own lives and that of our loved ones.  Since the beginning of time, human beings have found it absolutely necessary that they obtain and have available weapons to ward off dangerous adversaries.  Then came the politicians and their police with false promises of public safety.  

One certain thing about politicians is that power and control over others is what drives them.  Unfortunately, most humans have the traits of sheep. They would rather others make even their most personal decisions for them.  

Americans were fortunate that a brilliant group of young men risked everything to form a new government in 1776.  They demanded that its people have liberty and freedom above all else.  As a result, we have a Bill of Rights that no other nation can enjoy.  

To protect our freedoms, we were given the right to keep and bear arms.  Our founding father’s knew from experience that freedom was neither obtained nor maintained without consequential bloodshed from time to time.  The right of the people to keep and bear arms was and is very serious and necessary to enforce freedom and liberty.  

Politicians have done everything they can to disarm the American people however they don’t nearly have enough support to repeal the second amendment.  The same politicians have made 20,000 local, state and federal gun laws that absolutely violate the second amendment.  They have succeeded in maliciously imprisoning thousands of American people for the constitutionally protected activity of simply carrying arms.  

We the people were given the absolute right to control the government and not the other way around.  Of course politicians inherently hate this as it limits their own personal greed for power and control.  Throughout history, politicians have redundantly engaged in mass democide.  

Freedom is often equated with anarchy by politicians.  The same politicians regulate and tax every conceivable thing or behavior to death simply because the people are too intimidated to stop this.  In America, the balance of power has shifted simply because the people are afraid of the government when it should be the other way around.  

Today, Americans and those recent immigrants, both illegal or otherwise are fully dependent cowards.  If our Bill of Rights was suddenly on the ballot, most of those rights would be voted away.  Our pathetically ignorant population has no clue about history, political science nor real freedom.  

The politicians have run a scam on the population about the Bill of Rights.  They claim that our rights are collective, not individual.  They further do everything they can to convince us that the constitution is a “living, breathing“ document that changes meaning at their whims.  Of course this is just a convenient work around to avoid the political process needed to change the constitution.  

The second amendment has been castigated, violated and trashed by politicians at every opportunity.  The job of our judiciary is to protect citizens from the government however, they have done a piss poor job as they simply embrace the politicians that appoint or promote them.

January 6, 2001 was an example of the raw power of the American people.  If there was a failure, it was that they did not come to Washington with arms and gallows.  Our tyrannical politicians immediately weaponized, the FBI and every other federal police organization to make war on those who disagreed with them.  

I don’t care who anyone supported for president, the results of the 2020 election were so obviously fraudulent. Joseph Stalin said best, it’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes.  Having worked in elections in Chicago for the Democrat party, I can tell you firsthand how votes are easily stolen.   

We cannot possibly have a fair election when people don’t have to provide identification or proof of citizenship in order to vote.  Americans should’ve taken to the streets rather than to allow those 2020 voting irregularities. Democrats used and abused the Covid pandemic as an excuse to successfully tamper with the way we conduct elections.

As a nation, America has fallen.  We can only wait and watch what happens next. History tells us it will be very ugly.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Rebecca Grossman, Her Double Murder Conviction May be Void After All.

Van Nuys, CA—LA County Superior Court Judge, Joseph A. Brandolino will most certainly be dealing with an unwelcome can of worms that may void the double murder conviction of Socialite, Rebecca Grossman.  She was recently convicted in the deaths of 11-year-old Mark Iskander and his 8-year-old brother, Jacob killed in a violent traffic accident.  Right now Grossman is still  awaiting sentencing.   

The question of serious Jury Misconduct has come to my attention and some members of that jury have some explaining to do.  Since I specialize in criminal defense investigation and have 50 years experience, I know exactly where the bones are buried. This will certainly upset the apple cart and force a new trial.  What I can’t predict is, a second jury’s verdict.

When Grossman wins a new trial she must be released on bail once again pending the new trial’s disposition.

Grossman is due to appear in a Van Nuys courtroom on May 17 @8:30 AM.  

Monday, May 06, 2024

USC and UCLA Official Must Be Removed Now!

LOS ANGELES, CA—Both UCLA and USC officials invited the hateful anti-Semitic Palestinian terrorists to riot on campus.  Yes, it was pure terrorism to interfere and intimidate students trying to attend classes.  These officials invited the Palestinians thugs to destroy property and do whatever else they wanted.  Then once everything was so far out of control, they then summon the police to come in and battle these bastards unnecessarily.  

Had these officials properly dealt with these thugs when they begin their lawless insurrection, removing them would’ve been much simpler and taxpayers could have a bundle.  We must get rid of the administrators of the schools because they facilitated and enabled all of the lawlessness and destruction. 

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Who shall play Ann Leybourne in my film, Come Friday?

Cailee Spaeny is a young actress with obvious natural talent.  Her name for me is quite a mouthful that survived getting the usual Hollywood rename.  Cailee is an unusual but very charming and fitting name for this Cinema Princess. 

Cailee recently got my attention in the Alex Garland film, Civil War.  Her character was a combat photographer/intern, Jessie.  She was using her father’s obsolete, three-decade old Nikon film camera developing her film in the field! Three experienced journalists reluctantly agreed to let Jessie travel with them from NYC to Washington, DC through war torn and often hostile territory.  Jessie fumbled her way along under the limited protection and guidance of the others.  She proved only too well, she’d risk her life to get those compelling money shots.  

The character, Jessie and the others in the film give viewers a look into the lives of those journalists that bring the horrors of war to our dinner tables.  We too often take for granted their contributions to history.  

As for Cailee and her future, the sky is the limit.  I want very much to see this talented actress play the accidental heroic, Chicago Policewoman, Ann Leybourne.  This would be in my film, Come Friday.  

The majority of people today have never seen a policewoman, not to be confused with today’s female police officers.  This was at an historical time when policewomen wore skirts and heels.  Their duties were limited to taking care of neglected, abused, or delinquent children.   However, these women were trained under state law requirements to do things that they would never do in their entire careers like routine, patrol or issuing moving traffic citations.  They of course, had the full power of arrest and were required to carry firearms 24/7.  

My script is dramatic, thought-provoking, exciting, and at times incredibly humorous.   The period’s legal system failures are exposed and that may anger some viewers.  The history of the explosive race relations of that difficult time have not been sanitized.  Yes, there was a deadly war going on between the police that were mostly white and the Black Panther Party.  

Whoever portrays the complex character of Ann Leybourne will face challenges.  My money is on, Cailee Spaeny. I’d not be surprised that Cailee picks up a trio of Best Supporting Actress nominations from the  Gloden Globes, SAG, and of Course that most coveted Oscar.